If I speak it's to hear you more clearly
If I hear you I'm sure to understand you
If you smile it's the better to enter me
If you smile I will see the world entire
If I embrace you it's to widen myself
If we live everything will turn to joy
If I leave you we'll remember each other
In leaving you we will find each other again.
Paul Eluard ~ 1895 - 1952 one of the founders of the surrealist movement.
Link about the surrealist movement in wikipedia here
Link about the French poet Paul Eluard here.
Here is one of my favourite pictures taken a couple of years ago, and has not been seen much.
Some S WordsTo start, jump, startle, is sursaut.
To overhang, is surplomber.
To do something right away, is sur-le-champ.
I love the last line...so beautiful!
C x
That poem is gorgeous... And that photo - wow! It takes my breath away.
It's easy to see why it's one of your favourites Blu.
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