Tuesday, December 7, 2010


~ If you see a friend without a smile give them one of yours. ~ proverb


I had forgotten just like every year, how hard I find days when we have no light, or blue skies at all. I have been looking at greyness for days, so I am grateful for smiles and laughter.

So let me share this beautiful image taken in November, I hope it makes you smile.

Some French words

Happiness is bonheur
Smile is sourire
To burst into laughter éclater de rire


Anonymous said...

It's gorgeous! And much needed over here too.

ArtPropelled said...

It definitely makes me smile and i'm counting the months until our Autumn returns in April/May.

Tom Foolery said...

:))))) TFx

Ken Devine said...

We have dense fog at the moment and can't see a thing. Yes, it's a happy photo. Thanks, Blu