Monday, March 14, 2011

Stones, bricks and concrete.

Architecture is inhabited sculpture ~ Constantin Brancusi ~

~ Every week weather permitting, I am setting myself a little photographic challenge, the current one is architecture. Just in case it rains all week here are a few images from my archive. Should I search out some new buildings, I do like modern too!

Blue sky and the Theatre Victor Hugo Fougeres

This beautiful building was restored and re-opened in 2001.

Blue sky framing Morel et Gaté
This was a shoe factory, fabulous art deco style. Fougeres

Marvelous Mosaic Sporting the Coq motive

Grey Sky at the Chateau Fougeres
Materials granite, schiste, stone, slate/ardoise, and half timbered houses (Colombage)

Do you have a favourite building, new, old, or quirky?

French words

Concrete = béton
Ciment = ciment
Draughtsman = dessinateur
Architect = architecte

Blu ~ admin~ VIVID COLOURS - View my 'Fougeres buildings' set on Flickriver


Lee said...

The shoe factory is my favourite. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

How very beautiful! That half-timbered house is gorgeous! And what a good idea to set yourself a challenge.

Anonymous said...

I have many favourite buildings, but of your selection here, the half timbered houses I think.Fougeres looks like a fascinating place.

J Cosmo Newbery said...

I'll take whichever one is warmest!

Carol said...

I love grandad always told me to look up whenever I visit somewhere new as that's the only way to see the city :-)

C x

French Fancy... said...

I love the angle at which you have shot these buildings - you're getting better and better, Blu.

Blu said...

Lee I love the shoe factory, Ladyfi I dont always finish my weekly challenge!
threadspider, it is a fascinating town.
J Cosmo, I think the old shoe factory is your best bet.
Carol, that is wise idea for any photography look up, French Fancy they are not recent photographs!

Ken Devine said...

Hi Blu
I find it difficult to decide on a favourite building as I like both modern and old...usually very modern and very old.