The true traveller is he who goes on foot, and even then, he sits down a lot. ~ Colette ~
There comes a time for some of us when we realise that we just have to stop and rest a while, and do some more the next day!
I have been attempting to read some books in French including one by Colette, it is quite difficult, Colette wrote in a very poetical way, so the pages are plastered with pink post its, so I can learn all the new words!
Take a seat
Much easier to read and very enjoyable is Charlie et la chocolaterie, by Roald Dahl, Mr Wonka est le plus incroyable inventeur de chocolat de tous les temps!
French words
Post-it = Post-it or Autocollante
Note pad = Bloc-notes
Wishing you all an enjoyable Easter break.
Tres beau. Bonne chance avec la Colette! Ca vaux le coup.
Beautiful photos. Good luck with Colette. She's worth it.
A nice place to sit and rest...
Love the colours!
Marvellous shot - so vibrant. A perfect place to sit and read!
Hi Blu
Having seemingly worked non-stop over the past few weeks, I see the wisdom in this post. The chair is inviting.
How do you make what you learn in French, stay in your memory?
I keep trying to read French books, but it doesn't always work. I imagine colette is pretty tricky. I have started a George Sand novel a few times but not got far! think I might stick to my son's BDs!
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