Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Locked in?

~ One of the keys to happiness is a bad memory. Rita Mae Brown ~

Can you easily remember words, I have to write everything down or else it is quickly forgotten. I have a thing about notebooks, they are my way of locking in new words!

In or Out

French words

Door lock = serrure.

Padlock = cadenas

Cadenas in the middle ages and later, a casket, with lock and key, to contain the articles used at table by a great personage, such as knife, fork, spoon, salt-cellar, and spices. Early examples have commonly the form of a ship.
read more at http://www.wordnik.com/


Deborah said...

Superb photo - and I like the words too!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shot! I love words and can often remember them... but notebooks are a great way of remembering ideas and quotations.

Ken Devine said...

Hi Blu
I love the quote and am with you 100% with writing things down in order to remember them. Even then, there are no guarantees. I OFTEN gaze into space and in despair as I struggle to remember what I've read just moments before.

Anonymous said...

Are you still locked in or just busy with life?