A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.
John Burroughs
John Burroughs
Recently pain not pleasure kept me away from normal life & the Internet too, however I am now on the mend and picking up my bad habits again.
Recently television has been my distraction, and I watched in horror after the ecoli scare first broke out, and tons of salad food destroyed. Now we learn it was not Spain but Germany where the finger ought to have been pointed!
The weather is wet and grey, salad and summer feel like they have gone! Still they say it is good for the garden, (and the weeds).
Nestled in Green
Funny French expression
Panier a salade = a police van/wagon to transport prisoners, the name comes from the prisoners being behind grills inside the van, like lettuce in a salad basket. Link to French Wikipedia
Oh gosh - so very sorry to hear that you have been in pain! Thank goodness you're getting back to your old bad habits!....
Just yesterday I was wondering if you were okay. I'm glad you are on the mend. Take it easy, Blu.
ps, I love the quote and photograph.
Very pleased to see you back. Take good care, Blu.
Greetings From Southern California
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Have a Nice Day :-)
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