Friday, August 27, 2010

Favorite Friday and the letter M

Dipping into my Made a favorite folder on Flickr, today I chose a picture I called Mosaic. I discovered that the word Mosaic comes from the name Moses, which means drawn out!

The painting is based upon a photograph taken one morning whilst walking the dog around the village.


Mener to lead or guide.

Mener au village to go or lead to the village.

Menotte handcuffs, shackles or a childs hand.

Did you know that Marcel Marceau the famous French actor and mime artist, used his miming talents to keep children quiet when helping them escape from the Nazi's in WorldWar2. Link to wikipedia here.

Wishing you all a marvelous weekend.


Anonymous said...

OH, what a delightful painting!

French Fancy... said...

Yes, that is very pretty Blu - and I had no idea about Marceau doing that (interesting link)

Carol said...

Lovely painting hon!!

C x

Blu said...

Thanks ladies!