Sunday, September 5, 2010

Everyday Beauty

A friend on blogger and Facebook asked me if I would like to join a just for fun FB Group, I accepted a request to join a group there and I have been posting some of my photographs and art. For those of you who do not use Facebook here are the images posted this week.

Everyday beauty when the light filters through the trees in September

Everyday beauty when the sun lights up a leaf

Everyday beauty in the forest
Everyday beauty around the fields

When October leaves are heavy with colour

Although the daily news is often negative, we are surrounded by beauty you just need to look for it.


J Cosmo Newbery said...


Vickie said...

Beautiful post with a very uplifting message.

LadyFi said...

Stunning... I'm so glad you decided to contribute these to the Facebook group to soothe our weary souls.