Friday, October 29, 2010

The Devil's snare.

~ People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile. ~Lee Mildon ~

It has got rather cool, scarves, gloves and warm sweaters are being unpacked, winter jackets revisited.

We take many things for granted including the simple button, initially worn as an ornament, then later used as a toggle, they were eventually used with a button hole.

In 1250 they were so popular (with the rich aristos) that in France a button makers guild was formed. So many buttons on clothes required the rich to employ professional dressers!

The church named buttons as the Devil's snare, ooh lala!

When French tailors started to make fabric buttons the button makers asked for laws to be passed to stop them!

Winter approches

Bouton d'or

Bouton is the French word for button.
bouton de fievre is a coldsore.
bouton de porte is a doorknob.
bouton d'or is a buttercup!


Anonymous said...

Fabulous pictures and I was fascinated to hear that the humble button was considered such a disgraceful object!

montyandrosie said...

Who'd have thought the simple button could cause such anxiety?!? Fascinating. Thank you.

mixedabilityME said...

'Ban the button!!' :))

Blu said...

Thanks for the comments folks!