Weather permitting, I have been walking around the fields in the mornings taking advantage of the colours as we slip into winter. I find it a wrench to go out in the evenings when the log fire is roaring and it is dark and cold outside. I keep my eye on the weather forecast, since the roads can be tricky when it gets icy....am I obsessed with the weather?!
Wishing you warm snug homes!
Weather today very cold ~ froid
Temperature tomorrow! below zero ~ en-dessous de zéro
Forecast for tomorrow! freezing fog ~ brouillard givrant,
Hi Blu
Who wouldn't find it a wrench to leave a roaring fire in favour of freezing blackness?
Lovely photo!
I find I'm obsessed with the weather too during the winter... mainly because I don't drive in snowstorms or when very icy.
c'est tres Anglais ..to be obsessed by the weather.lol.
je n'aime pas l'hiver..I love summer...
It feel too cold to snow today! brrr
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