Saturday, April 10, 2010


Get over the idea that only children should spend their time in study. Be a student so long as you still have something to learn, and this will mean all your life. ~Henry L. Doherty

I discover that so much learning can be done from home these days, really most people who have access to the internet and good health have every chance to be inspired and learn a new skill.

I am slowly picking up links to blogs/forums etc via Twitter, this is my second attempt to try and find out what Twitter is all about. Some of the places that I visit inspire me to get on with my art/photography. I now follow more blogs via Twitter and Facebook and good old fashioned email than I do by looking at my blogroll...sorry if I missed your posts. oops.

Thinking of early summer days

A visitor to the Forest last year

If you make jewellery, paint, carve, knit, write, are creative, maybe you are a musician, try this inspiring site out Total Art Soul

I will be offline for a few days but I do hope to catch up with my Internet friends soon, thanks to several new visitors for mentioning my blog.

A lovely French word for summery is estival

Caterpillar is Chenille not to be confused with ankle Cheville


LadyFi said...

Wow .. I love love your painting of the trees.Enjoy the spring and all its visitors.

French Fancy... said...

Hello there Blu. I gave up on Twitter for the second time and have decided not to try for a third. I found it hard to get enthused about the twaddle that most of the people put (yourself excepted of course).

Ken Devine said...

Stunning painting Blu and I agree with you on learning at home although there's a lot to be said for interaction.
Incidentally, I'm not being informed when the blogs I follow post something. Is is common? Is there a solution?

ArtPropelled said...

I havn't given Twitter a chance so maybe I will try again. Lovely painting Blu. We seem to be on a similar blog wavelength with forests and nature this month.

Carol said...

Just popped over to let you know that there is an award for you over at mine :-)

C x

Ashley Ashbee said...

I LOVE the first painting with the leaves... It reminds me of a summer early evening when the sun shines through the leaves, making them glow. Your colours make me so happy.